Monday 26 July 2010

Opening James eyes to what's possible

On meeting James and putting him through my skills check I discovered he had skills errors in cornering and straight on sections which I set about changing straight away.
We began with pushing the bike away and then applied it to pumping and the dis connected bunny hop. For a rider to neither push correctly or wrong pull the bike it was astonishing how quickly James picked this technique up and for a rider who couldn't raise his front wheel at all he was confidently un weighting over a fallen tree!
From there we moved onto the drop technique and applied his new skill set there and once again in a short space of time James was landing smoothly and riding away strong. We worked also on climbing technique and James found the skill set application made it all easier.
It came time to move onto a trail and work on cornering and linking sections on a trail together using the correct braking zones. I cut the trail into Three segments and we focused on the sections contained within them. To begin with we worked on cornering and here we focused on looking and body positioning and gradually James began to really fly down the trail. I added in the next segment and the sections contained within and we identified braking areas and by timing the runs James could see the benefit of the skills as he gained time.
Finally, we linked all of the nine sections contained in the trail together, including the one meter drop at the end in a smooth, confident manner.
Great session James!

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